January 2023 Devotional


Jesus tells his listeners that he will give them peace.  There are people whose lives that are in such turmoil they would give about anything to have peace.  They have tried success in careers, marriage, children and all of these are great but they do not fill up the hole in our hearts.  It is a yearning that only Jesus can fill, and nothing will give us this peace but a personal relationship with God through his son Jesus.  I have lived enough years to see people who seem to have everything that the world can offer, and die of suicide or accidents caused by abuse.  This hole is not going to be filled until Jesus fills it. 

“I leave my peace with you.  I give my peace to you.  I do not give it to you as the world does.  Do not let your hearts be troubled.  And do not be afraid.” John 14:27 (NlrV)

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